Xiaoxuan Wang (PhD student at UCLA)

[ Short Bio, Publications, Education,Teaching ]

Xiaoxuan Wang

Xiaoxuan(Mandy) Wang

PhD student,
Scalable Analytics Institute (ScAi),
Department of Computer Science,
University of California, Los Angeles.

3551 Boelter Hall,
580 Portola Plaza,
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Email: xw27 [at] cs [dot] ucla [dot] edu

[ Email, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, CV ]


Short Bio

I am currently a second-year PhD student in Computer Science at UCLA, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Wei Wang and I work closely with Prof. Yizhou Sun. My research interests lie in Large Language Model for Science and Machine Reasoning. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the UIUC in May 2022.


(* denotes equal contribution.)

prl SciBench: Evaluating College-Level Scientific Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Model
Xiaoxuan Wang*, Ziniu Hu*, Pan Lu*, Yanqiao Zhu*, Jieyu Zhang, Satyen Subramaniam, Arjun R. Loomba, Shichang Zhang, Yizhou Sun, Wei Wang
ICML, 2024.

[Paper] [Code] [Website] [Media Coverage]
prl STAR: Improving Low-Resource Information Extraction by Structure-to-Text Data Generation with Large Language Models
Mingyu Derek Ma, Xiaoxuan Wang, Po-Nien Kung, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Nanyun Peng, Wei Wang
AAAI, 2023.

prl Learning under Label Proportions for Text Classification
Jatin Chauhan, Xiaoxuan Wang, Wei Wang
EMNLP Findings, 2023.

prl Seamless Equal Accuracy Ratio for Inclusive CTC Speech Recognition
Heting Gao, Xiaoxuan Wang, Sunghun Kang, Rusty Mina, Dias Issa, John Harvill, Leda Sarı, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Chang D. Yoo
Speech Communication, 2022.



  • PhD. Student in Computer Science
    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.
    Sep 2022 - Present

  • Bachelor in Computer Science
    University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Aug 2018 - May 2022


  • Fall 2023: Teaching Assistant CS245 Big Data Analytics@UCLA

  • Spring 2022: Course Assistant CS446 Machine Learning @UIUC

Other Links:[ Email, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, CV ]
Last Updated: Dec 2023.